Aug 27, 2013

Bring your own CUP !! Cute folding TelescopicTravel Mug 伸縮便攜旅行杯 - CF017

Cute folding Telescopic cup Travel Mug

Bring your own  CUP!! Cute & Fun!

Don't waste disposable cup anymore, more environmental protection, good for outdoor activities, travel, party..... avoid sickness cross infection, good for personal  hygiene protection!

Gently put the cup up in vertical direction,  you can  pour  any drink  for drinking, gently press the cup down  will  close after use, easy to clean.


Size :  6.5 x 6.5 cm
Price : $15 (2 pcs)  / $10 (1 pcs)

環保新概念!!  帶上自己的杯子! ! 可愛又衛生!     

不要再浪費一次性杯了,救救地球!!  此款《伸縮便攜旅行杯》適合戶外活動,旅遊,聚會.....避免疾病交叉感染,有利於個人衛生保護!     

只要輕輕地把將杯子在垂直方向拉上便可盛裝任何飲料, 用後輕輕按下變成小扁圓盒,易於携帶,清潔容易。

環保價 : $15 (2個) / $10 (1個)

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